华旭  江苏特聘教授,博士生导师

E-mail: xhua@seu.edu.cn

办公地点: 必威betway中文官网江北校区汇川楼B406


本科毕业于南京理工大学(应用物理学专业),博士毕业于南京大学(生物信息学方向),期间在德国哥廷根大学访学两年。随后于美国MD Anderson癌症研究中心和哥伦比亚大学任博士后和副研究科学家。2024年入职必威西汉姆联官网,任上岗研究员、博士生导师,获江苏省特聘教授。


长期专注于遗传学与生物信息学的交叉研究,开发干湿结合的新技术,采用跨学科的方法解决遗传学的关键科学问题并获得一系列代表性成果:1)表观遗传记忆在亲本-子代细胞之间的传递机制及其在细胞表型方面的重要作用。2)遗传突变在癌症中的作用机制。采用系统生物学和多组学的方法揭示了癌症相关突变在基因调控网络中的扰动机制,发现非编码区上的关键遗传突变的作用。3)开发基于表观遗传学、遗传学的癌症无创诊断新技术。已在NatureMolecular CellScience AdvancesNature communicationsCancer Discovery等高水平期刊发表论文20余篇,研究成果在NatureCell等著名期刊上被丹麦科学院院士、欧洲科学院院士等多次引用。


  1. Albert Serra-Cardona*, Xu Hua*, Seth W. McNutt, Hui Zhou, Takenori Toda, Songtao Jia, Feixia Chu, and Zhiguo Zhang. The PCNA-Pol delta complex couples lagging strand DNA synthesis to parental histone transfer for epigenetic inheritance. Science Advances,2024

  2. Yimeng Fang*, Xu Hua*, Chun-Min Shan, Takenori Toda, Feng Qiao, Zhiguo Zhang, and Songtao Jia. Coordination of histone chaperones for parental histone segregation and epigenetic inheritance. Genes Development, 2024, doi:10.1101/gad.351278.123 (封面文章)

  3. Xu Hua*, Yongsheng Li*, Sairahul R. Pentaparthi*, Daniel J. McGrail*, Raymond Zou*, Li Guo*, Aditya Shrawat, Kara M. Cirillo, Qing Li, Akshay Bhat, Min Xu, Dan Qi, Ashok Singh, Francis McGrath, Steven Andrews, Kyaw Lwin Aung, Jishnu Das, Yunyun Zhou, Alessia Lodi, Gordon B. Mills, S. Gail Eckhardt, Marc L. Mendillo, Stefano Tiziani, Erxi Wu+, Jason H. Huang+, Nidhi Sahni+, and S. Stephen Yi+. Landscape of microRNA regulatory network architecture and functional rerouting in cancer. Cancer Research, 2023, 83, 59-73

  4. Zhiming Li*, Shoufu Duan*, Xu Hua, Xiaowei Xu, Yinglu Li, Demis Menolfi, Hui Zhou, Chao Lu, Shan Zha, Stephen P. Goff, Zhiguo Zhang+. Asymmetric distribution of parental H3K9me3 in S phase silences L1 elements. Nature, 2023, vol623, 643-651

  5.  Xiaowei Xu*, Xu Hua*, Kyle Brown, Xiaojun Ren and Zhiguo Zhang+. Mcm2 promotes stem cell differentiation via its ability to bind H3-H4. eLife, 2022, 11, e80917

  6.  Zhiming Li*, Xu Hua*, Albert Serra-Cardona, Xiaowei Xu, Zhiguo Zhang+. Efficient and strand-specific profiling of replicating chromatin with eSPAN in mammalian cells. Nature Protocols, 2021, 16, 2698–2721

  7.  Zhiming Li*, Xu Hua*, Albert Serra-Cardona*, Xiaowei Xu*, Songlin Gan, Hui Zhou, Wen-Si Yang, Chun-long Chen, Rui-Ming Xu, and Zhiguo Zhang+. DNA polymerase α interacts with H3-H4 and facilitates the transfer of parental histones to lagging strands. Science Advances, 2020, Vol. 6, no. 35, eabb5820

  8. Xu Hua*, Tang Rongjun*, Xu Xiuxiu, Wang Zhi, Xu Qi, Chen Luxiao, Wingender Edgar, Li Jie+, Chenyu Zhang+ and Wang Jin+. mirTrans: a resource of transcriptional regulation on microRNAs for human cell lines. Nucleic Acids Research, 2018,Volume 46, Issue D1, 4

  9. Xu Hua, Luxiao Chen, Jin Wang+, Jie Li+ and Edgar Wingender+. Identifying cell-specific microRNA transcriptional start sites. Bioinformatics, 2016,Volume 32, Issue 16, Pages 2403–2410

  10. Jie Li*, Xu Hua*, Martin Haubrock, Jin Wang+ and Edgar Wingender+. The architecture of the gene regulatory networks of different tissues. Bioinformatics, 2012, Volume 28, Issue 18, Pages i509–i514

